Java Boot Camp for Testers  (Weekends 10 am to 6 pm) | Event in online | Townscript
Java Boot Camp for Testers  (Weekends 10 am to 6 pm) | Event in online | Townscript

Java Boot Camp for Testers (Weekends 10 am to 6 pm)

Feb 03 - 04 '18 | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

This ONLINE INSTRUCTOR led program is meant for every tester who desires to learn automation. The first step is to learn Java, which is used most commonly for Selenium and Appium. 

Please read this interesting post from our ATABlog

Should Testers Bhi Coders ?

How this program is free

This is free due to Agile Testing Alliance community initiative. Just like our meetups, there is cover charge of 1000/- INR, which will be refunded 100% once you attend the boot camp. The idea to keep a cover charge is to ensure serious nominations and attendance.

Part of #TESTERBHICODER Initiative from ATA.

Who should take this course

Individuals/teams and manual testers who wish to start a career in Software Test Automation

No prior experience in Java or any other programming language or any other test automation tool is necessary. Only thing needed is a commitment and desire to learn.

Course Duration:

1 weekends(Sat and Sun), Total 16 hrs, Sat(8 hrs) and Sun(8 hrs), Online (10 am to 6 pm IST) through GoTo Meeting

Detailed Day wise Content

Day 1 (Basic): 3rd February, 2018 (Saturday 10AM - 6PM)

  • Datatypes and Strings In Java
  • Loops in Java (if, if else and nested if else, for loop, while, do while loops)
  • One and two dimensional array In Java
  • Methods In Java, Return Type Of Method
  • Access Modifiers In Java
  • Static, Non Static Methods, Variables and Variable Types In Java

Day 2 (Advanced): 4th February, 2018 (Saturday 10AM - 6PM)

  • Objects In Java
  • Constructor In Java
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Interface In Java
  • ArrayList In Java
  • Hashtable In Java
  • Read-Write Text File, Exception handling in Java
  •  Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract Class and difference between Abstract Class and Interface
  • Method Overloading
  • Final and Super Keywords in Java



Know Your Trainer 

The Trainer for the Java Boot Camp will be Mrs. Bhagyashree Patil

  • Bhagyashree has 17+ years in IT industry with experience in Technical development, Delivery excellence and Assurance, Project Management and Project Management Office. Pursuing expertise in Agile disciplines and DevOps

  • She is a PMP-PMI certified in the year 2010, Certified Academic Process Excellence program (APEX) and Leadership Journeyman at L&T Infotech, Trained in Organization Change Management process and Agile Scrum development framework.

  • She Has a vast knowledge about C, C++, Visual Basic, .Net, VC++, Java SE7, PL/SQL and Oracle JD Edwards9.0.


    Do participate in our #AutomATAhon 

    Live Selenium Automation Testing HackATAhon

    Part of #SeleniumSummit18

    Early Bird Registrations available till 31st Jan


Agile Testing Alliance is encouraging every tester to learn coding under a special initiative called as #TesterBhiCoder. In case of any queries please get in touch with :




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