What's New In C# 6, C# 7 And Visual Studio 2017 | Event in NA | Townscript
What's New In C# 6, C# 7 And Visual Studio 2017 | Event in NA | Townscript

What's New In C# 6, C# 7 And Visual Studio 2017

May 21'20 - May 20'25 | 11:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

C# is one of the most powerful languages in the modern world of programming. It has one of the most powerful type system. There was a battle for sometime between Java and C# and now we can say for sure that C# won that battle from the language features point of view.
C# 6 is already released and fully available with Visual Studio 2015. C# 7 is under development still, but many announced features are already implemented and we can play with them in Visual Studio 2017which is currently (when I'm writing this) itself under development (release candidate is available).
Teaching Approach
No fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I esteem your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. For absolute beginners, I offer my help on Skype absolutely free if requested. Don't forget that this course has English subtitles, so if you don't understand my accent, feel free to turn them on.
Take this course and you will be satisfied.
Keep pace with modern C#
If you go behind the modern C#, then this course is for you. This course will bring a whole picture of what's going on nowadays in C#. Modern C# is a powerful multiparadigmatical language. New versions of C# bring more and more functional features and you'll see it on practical examples.
Content and Overview
The goal of this course is to show all the new features of C# 6, C# 7 and Visual Studio 2017.
This course is built for all kind of C# developers who are interested in learning C# 6, C# 7 and Visual Studio 2017. This course is beneficial for juniors as well as for seniors who want to stay well-informed about new C# features. I’m sure any student will find something interesting and useful in this course.
The main prerequisite is to be familiar with development on the .NET platform in C#. That’s all you need.
In short, the course covers the following topics.
C# 6:
Autoproperties and Immutability
Expression-bodied members
Import of static members (using static)
String interpolation
Nullability, null-conditional operators
Index initializers
Exception Filters
C# 7:
Enhanced Tuples
Pattern Matching
Ref. Returns, Async Returns, Exceptions
Local Functions (more functional programming! :) )
Out variables literals
VIsual Studio 2017:
Improved Navigation
Run-to-Click (improved debugging)
Improved IntelliSense
Live Code Analysis
Live Unit Testing

Who is the target audience?
Any C# developer who wants to become aware of new C# features

Basic knowledge
Students should be familiar with C# of older versions

What will you learn
Harness the power of C# 6 and C# 7
Write more maintainable code in C#
Use powerful new features of Visual Studio 2017


This is an online event
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