Stop trying to make sense of Marjorie Taylor Greene. She inhabits a world of nonsense. | Event in NA | Townscript
Stop trying to make sense of Marjorie Taylor Greene. She inhabits a world of nonsense. | Event in NA | Townscript

Stop trying to make sense of Marjorie Taylor Greene. She inhabits a world of nonsense.

Feb 07 '23 | 12:00 PM (BST)
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Whether through a Faustian bargain or the unwitting possession of a cursed monkey paw, the Republican Party has taken Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene — arguably the most ludicrous lawmaker in an age of pervasive ludicrousness — and awarded her legitimacy.

She now sits on important congressional committees. Her I’d-like-to-speak-with-your-manager voice will be heard, and the questions that lurk in her mind, a place of cobwebs and dust, will be asked. She has become, to the consternation of a dwindling number of "normal" Republicans, the face of the GOP.

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Last week, during a House Oversight and Accountability Hearing, she asked U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro how much COVID-19 relief money was used to teach critical race theory. She explained that critical race theory is “a racist curriculum used to teach children that somehow their white skin is not equal to black skin and other things in education,” which sounds like something an ignorant and mildly racist white person would say if you asked them to define critical race theory and they tried, and failed, to make up a definition.
Marjorie Taylor Greene and the mysterious $5.1 billion Illinois school

She then told Dodaro, with great confidence, that one Illinois elementary school received $5.1 billion for “equity and diversity.” I live in Illinois. That figure is more than half the entire state budget for K-12 education, and unless there’s an elementary school with solid gold stairwells and limousine bus service that I’m unaware of, that number is nonsense.
Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) takes a photo with U.S. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) after being elected Speaker of the House in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 07, 2023.

And therein lies the problem. For those who don’t consider algebra a form of liberal indoctrination, Greene’s unerring stupidity and ease with dishonesty are frustrating. How on earth is a person like this being taken seriously?
Republicans have built MTG a pedestal

I’d argue we need to stop asking that question. It’s an attempt to apply logic to something wholly illogical, and it’s an inquiry that will never pierce the membrane of the right-wing bubble Greene inhabits.


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