Self, Love & Self-Love Webinar | Event in undefined | Townscript
Self, Love & Self-Love Webinar | Event in undefined | Townscript

Self, Love & Self-Love Webinar

Multiple Dates | 10:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

An online webinar in your Community, to simplify Self Love to an extent where it becomes an effortlessly experiential part of life, for one and all..
We invite you to this 2 hours of Interactive Webinar, where we would learn to rekindle our relationship with Self, beyond our..
Self Doubts, Guilt, Blames, Regrets, Shames, Fears, Insecurities, Inhibitions, Suppression, Irritation, Frustration, Agitation, Stress, Tension, Worry, Complains, Anger, Hate, Grudge, Self Obsession, Self Sabotage, and all other reactions of an empty mind..

Is Pampering yourself Self Love, or is it about being selfish and rude..?
Is it Self Obsession sugar coated in ideological fantasies?
Is it just another new version of Narcissist Behavior?
The Key issue with Self Love is..
That neither do we understand who is this one called "Self"..
Nor do we feel any need of understanding what does it really mean by "Love"..
Probably that's the reason, why today we have many many conveniently customized versions of Self Love, but ignoring your well-being for the sake of your temporary gratification, under the name of Self Love, is not Immoral or Anti Social from any side, but a very cold blooded Self Sabotage..
Self Love is when your Happiness is by Choice, and not by chance!
Self Love is when you feel Love for everyone and everything, as a consequence of your happiness oozing out as Love for one and all..
Self Love is when you own your Well-being and take charge of your Body, Mind & Spirit, and allow yourself to learn & evolve, beyond the burden of Self Expectations..

If you can relate to the self defeating emotions of Guilt, Blame, Shame & Regret, you definitely need to rekindle your relationship with self..
If you don't like the time you spend alone, you better check the quality of relationship you hold with yourself, because this one relationship is going to go long way until your last breath.
If you don't like the person you are, and you are trying to become like somebody else, either physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, economically, politically, culturally, whatever, if you are not happy being you, you got to check your Self Love quotient.
Let's forget about every other knowledge that we have about self, take a pause and reflect back inside..
Let's wipe the slate, clear the clouds and see clearly and vividly...
Let's be re-introduced to who you are, let us understand from the Scratch..
# What is "Self"
# What is "Love"
# What is "Self Love"

This Webinar is for anyone and everyone who values Happiness, Health & Harmony in Life, you are most welcome with your questions, doubts & perspectives.
A World where Self Love is High, Individuals own their Happiness, and not crib about it. Happy Minds are Loving Hearts too, naturally. And Inclusive & Loving Intentions are essentials to even imagine a better future for this World.
So please do this world a favor, take care of this one person that you are..
We invite you to this 2 hours of Interactive Webinar, where we would learn to rekindle our relationship with Self, beyond our..
Self Doubts, Guilt, Blames, Regrets, Shames, Fears, Insecurities, Inhibitions, Suppression, Irritation, Frustration, Agitation, Stress, Tension, Worry, Complains, Anger, Hate, Grudge, Self Obsession, Self Sabotage, and all other reactions of an empty mind..


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