Problem Solving: A Hands-On Workshop | Event in Pune | Townscript
Problem Solving: A Hands-On Workshop | Event in Pune | Townscript

Problem Solving: A Hands-On Workshop

Feb 22 '20 | 09:30 AM (IST)

Event Information


                              Problem Solving: A Hands-On Workshop
                                       on February 22, 2020 
                                         Limited seats only!

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Problems are all around us. Surprisingly, solutions are also around us. Sometimes we are so immersed into the problem(s) that we fail to recognise the solutions. In this hands-on workshop, we help you to solve the problems by engaging you in the entire lifecycle of a problem. Beginning with problem identification and definition, learning different models and techniques, identifying solutions for problems and finally dealing with common traps in problem solving.

This is a hands-on workshop filled with enough exercises to engage your whole self. It is intended to be well-paced, collaborative and be a good start so that you can be more confident to solve problems both professionally and personally.

Workshop Outline:

Problem Identification and Definition:
Are we solving the right problem? How do we even identify a problem? How do we get every stakeholder accept a common definition of the problem? Is it even necessary that all stakeholders have a common understanding of the problem? Let us explore together to understand these questions and also use exercises to discover the answers.

Problem Solving Models and Techniques:
Once we have identified the problems, can we jump to solutions? Let us understand three problem solving models along with a bunch of techniques before we apply them in a simulated problem in the workshop. After the exercise, we will then debrief and learn from other teams as well about their approach and discovery.

Solutionizing Problems:
There are many tools available to help arrive at the solution. Get introduced to a variety of tools and see how others have solved similar problems. Learn how you can leverage tools and solve one set of problems. Also understand when the tools introduce a new set of problems.

Common Traps in Problem Solving:
Is solving problems easy? The journey of problem solving is filled with known traps like perspectives, personality types, communication traps and some uncommon traps like automation to the rescue of every problem, traditional solutions for futuristic problems. Let us explore both types of traps in our exercises and see what we discover.

Key Takeaways:
We will share some key takeaways planned for you from this workshop. At the same time, we believe that you might have a totally different takeaway from this workshop. We will use this space to learn from each other's takeaways and discuss them.

Intended Audience:
Anyone who wants to learn how to solve problems.

Trainers' Profile:
Ajay Balamurugadas, goes by the handle ‘ajay184f’ in the testing community and is continuously re-inventing his testing methodology. He co-founded Weekend Testing - a worldwide movement for skilled testing, authored six small books under the theme “What If” downloadable at his blog His latest book is available at

His friends associate the terms - ‘Change Agent, Idea Man, Motivational’ to him. He tweets under @ajay184f and loves to have long conversations on software testing and life in general. He is currently leading the delivery at Qapitol QA - Provider of Continuous Testing Solutions to DevOps Teams.

Registration Details:

Super Early BirdINR 4000/- (Incl Taxes) 
Early BirdINR 5000/- (Incl Taxes)
Regular TicketINR 6000/- (Incl Taxes)

                                              PUNE – REGISTER NOW

Details RequiredFull Name | Organization | Designation | Address | Email id | Contact

                                                For More Info Contact

         , Mob : + 91 8762283402


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Hear from past attendees:

I want to Thank Ajay for doing the workshop on “Problem Solving”. It is really helpful in coming up with key points(the approaches) to focus on while dealing with a problem.

And I have used the ‘Word’ & ‘Time’ approach. First found the time which is suitable for and then used the appropriate word for discussion to shot-out the problems in the team.

PARMESH MISHRA, Software Engineer (QA) at Avish Websoft

Problem Solving workshop conducted by Ajay and Jyothi was a good hands on session with solving simple day-to-day problems with methodical approach. My greatest take away was - Not all problems needs to be solved



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