2 Days Hands-On Masterclass Machine Learning for Genome Analysis | Event in Delhi | Townscript
2 Days Hands-On Masterclass Machine Learning for Genome Analysis | Event in Delhi | Townscript

2 Days Hands-On Masterclass Machine Learning for Genome Analysis

Jun 28 - 29 | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information


Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool in genome analysis, revolutionizing our understanding of genomics and its implications for human health and biology. By leveraging ML algorithms and computational techniques, researchers can extract valuable insights from vast amounts of genomic data, paving the way for personalized medicine, disease diagnosis, and evolutionary studies.

Machine learning for genome analysis encompasses a wide range of applications, including genome sequencing, variant calling, functional annotation, and predictive modeling. ML algorithms can classify DNA sequences, predict gene functions, identify disease-associated variants, and infer phylogenetic relationships, among other tasks. Moreover, ML techniques enable the integration of multi-omics data, such as genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics, to uncover complex biological networks and regulatory mechanisms.

One of the key strengths of ML in genome analysis lies in its ability to handle large-scale datasets and extract meaningful patterns from high-dimensional genomic data. By training ML models on annotated genomic datasets, researchers can develop predictive models for genotype-phenotype associations, drug response prediction, and risk assessment for genetic diseases.


  1. Variant Calling and Genomic Annotation: ML algorithms are used to accurately identify genetic variants, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and structural variations, from raw sequencing data. ML models leverage sequence patterns, read alignments, and genomic features to distinguish true variants from sequencing errors and artifacts.
  2. Genomic Classification and Disease Diagnosis: ML models classify genomic data based on disease status, tissue types, or biological states, aiding in disease diagnosis and patient stratification. By analyzing gene expression profiles, DNA methylation patterns, and other genomic features, ML algorithms can differentiate between healthy and diseased samples, identify biomarkers for disease subtypes, and predict clinical outcomes.
  3. Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Studies: ML methods are employed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees, inferring evolutionary relationships, and analyzing genomic diversity across species or populations. By analyzing sequence alignments, genomic sequences, and evolutionary models, ML algorithms can infer ancestral relationships, estimate divergence times, and detect signatures of natural selection.
  4. Drug Discovery and Pharmacogenomics: ML techniques accelerate drug discovery efforts by predicting drug-target interactions, designing novel therapeutics, and optimizing drug response prediction. ML models integrate genomic, chemical, and pharmacological data to predict drug efficacy, toxicity, and off-target effects.
  5. Functional Genomics and Regulatory Network Inference: ML algorithms infer gene regulatory networks, transcription factor binding sites, and regulatory elements from genomic data, facilitating functional genomics studies. By integrating gene expression data, chromatin accessibility profiles, and transcription factor binding motifs, ML-driven methods unravel the complexities of gene regulation and cellular processes.


  1. Classification and Prediction: ML algorithms are employed to classify genomic data into different categories or predict biological outcomes based on genomic features. For example, ML models can classify samples into disease subtypes, predict patient prognosis, or identify genetic variants associated with specific traits or diseases.
  2. Clustering and Pattern Recognition: ML techniques such as clustering and pattern recognition are used to identify similarities and groupings within genomic datasets. Clustering algorithms group samples or genomic regions based on similarities in gene expression profiles, sequence motifs, or structural features. These approaches enable the discovery of functional gene clusters, regulatory motifs, or evolutionary relationships among genomic sequences.
  3. Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction: ML methods for feature selection and dimensionality reduction aim to identify the most informative genomic features and reduce the complexity of high-dimensional datasets. Feature selection techniques identify subsets of relevant features that are most predictive of biological outcomes, helping to prioritize genomic markers for downstream analysis. Dimensionality reduction algorithms, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), project high-dimensional genomic data into lower-dimensional spaces while preserving key relationships and structure. 





  • Introductory Documentation: An introductory theory document to help you better understand the subject will also be provided.
  • Trainers Slide Deck: After the completion of the session complete access to the trainers slide deck will also be provided
  • Access to Trainers Repo: We will also be providing a complete access to trainers repository so that you can use it as reference later
  • 8+ Hours of Live Training: During the course of 3 days we will be have live8+ hourse of training sessions with the participants.
  • Guided Hands-On Exercises: Hands-On exercises are a must to better learn any technology and be able to reproduce it later.
  • Participation Certificate: A Participations certificate is a must after successfully completing the training as a sign of accomplishment.


  1. Improved Disease Prediction and Diagnosis: ML algorithms analyze genomic data to identify patterns associated with disease risk, enabling more accurate prediction and diagnosis of genetic disorders. By integrating diverse genomic features, such as gene expression profiles, genetic variants, and epigenetic modifications, ML models can classify individuals into disease subtypes, predict disease progression, and stratify patients based on their risk of developing certain conditions.
  2. Discovery of Novel Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets: ML-driven analyses uncover novel genomic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for various diseases. By mining large-scale genomic datasets, ML algorithms identify genetic variants, gene expression signatures, and molecular pathways associated with disease phenotypes. These findings inform the development of targeted therapies, precision medicine approaches, and biomarker-driven clinical trials, ultimately improving patient outcomes and treatment efficacy.
  3. Understanding of Genetic Regulation and Gene Function: ML techniques elucidate the complex regulatory mechanisms governing gene expression and function. By integrating genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic data, ML models predict transcription factor binding sites, regulatory elements, and gene regulatory networks. These insights provide a comprehensive view of gene regulation dynamics, cell signaling pathways, and disease mechanisms, enhancing our understanding of biological processes and gene function.
  4. Personalized Treatment Strategies and Drug Response Prediction: ML-based analyses enable personalized treatment strategies and prediction of individual drug responses based on genomic profiles. By modeling genotype-phenotype associations and drug-gene interactions, ML algorithms identify genetic predictors of drug efficacy, toxicity, and adverse reactions. These predictions guide clinicians in selecting optimal treatment regimens, adjusting drug dosages, and minimizing the risk of adverse events, leading to more effective and personalized healthcare interventions.


  1. All fee paid is not refundable so please read all the terms & conditions before making any payments. If you still have any doubts please contact us and confirm and then only make the payment.
  2. Participants need to bring their registration tickets along with a valid Institutional ID, then only they will be allowed to attend the session. Please reach out to our team in case of any exceptions.
  3. Please fill all your details in the form correctly as those details will be used in your certificate as well.
  4. Participants need to bring their own computer (laptop) system for the program.
  5. The software tools and other required software tools will be provided from our side for the purpose of this program.
  6. Participants need to reach the venue and report 30 minutes prior to the start of the sessions.
  7. Participants need to wear masks all the time inside the premises and abide by the other rules at the premises.
  8. Participants need to attend all the sessions in order to be eligible for getting the certificate.
  9. Welcome email will be sent to all the participants with all the details related to the program. Please check your Inbox/Spam folder for the email.
  10. All the details of the software installations and how to prepare your system for the Program will be shared with all the participants in the Welcome Email itself.


Delhi, India (Exact venue to be decided)
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EdGene BioMed (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Joined on Jun 3, 2019
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