Learning Path: Microservices With Java, Scala, And Akka | Event in NA | Townscript
Learning Path: Microservices With Java, Scala, And Akka | Event in NA | Townscript

Learning Path: Microservices With Java, Scala, And Akka

May 20'20 - May 19'25 | 07:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Build smaller, lighter, and faster microservices for JVM languages
Microservices are an architectural method and pattern for application development. Microservices are becoming hugely popular and are being adopted by many organizations because of the advantages that it offers. It is an approach to building asynchronous, non-blocking, and failure-resilient applications.
Packt’s Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.
This Learning Path begins by showing you how to build smaller, lighter, and faster services that can be implemented easily in a Java production environment. We then move on and focus on building microservices in Scala. We address the best practices and common pitfalls in microservice architecture and useful implementation strategies in Scala. Finally, we cover how to build reactive microservices using Akka and Akka HTTP, which adhere to the principles underlying the Reactive Manifesto.
Building microservices for Java, Scala, and Akka. All of it covered in this all-inclusive Learning Path.
Looking for the perfect course to get you started in the big booming world of microservices? Capitalize on this Learning Path and what it wants to teach you.
The goal of this Learning Path is to launch you on the right path to building lighter and faster microservices.
This Learning Path is authored by some of the best in their fields.
Sourabh Sharma
Sourabh Sharma has more than a decade of experience in product/app development. His expertise lies in developing, deploying, and testing N-tier web applications. In his career, he has successfully developed and delivered various standalone and cloud apps to happy Fortune 500 customers. He has also initiated and developed a microservice-based product for a US-based top enterprise product company.
Tomasz Lelek
Tomasz Lelek is a software engineer, programming mostly in Java and Scala. He is a fan of the microservices architecture and functional programming. He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development. Recently, he was a speaker at conferences in Poland - Confitura and JDD (Java Developer Day) and also at Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at the Geecon Conference.

Basic knowledge
Experience with Java and Scala is necessary

What will you learn
Use domain-driven design to design and implement microservices
Secure microservices using Spring Security
Consume microservices using a JavaScript web application
Build working applications using Play Framework
Explore how to use HTTP properly
Use the Reactive Manifesto to create microservices
Get to know the Core API of Akka HTTP


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