Law of Attraction & Relationship Healing  | Event in NA | Townscript
Law of Attraction & Relationship Healing  | Event in NA | Townscript

Law of Attraction & Relationship Healing

Daily | 06:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

This will be a series of 7, one hour online sessions from the comfort of your homes. The objective is to learn the LOA way of managing relationships; beginning with establishing a healthy connect with self and moving to recognise all other relationships as a reflection of self.

We will demystify projections and question our thoughts to allow broader perspectives and newer understanding be the foundation of healthy and happy relationships. We will also work on healing our emotions of hurt and blame and shift from a victim to a victor mindset.

Some of the questions/ concerns that we will address and work together are as follows:
1. Could we look at collaborative companionship between partners?
2. How can we grow in compassion towards self and others? 
3. How can we dissolve differences and arrive at mutual understanding? 
4. How do I handle hurt and pain that comes from not being understood? 
5. How do I listen without feeling attacked? 
6. How can I communicate with authenticity and awareness?

These and many more such topics will get covered in these sessions. Every session will aim at clarifying concepts, applying practises and meditations on moving ahead in our journeys. 

We are so excited for all of you who will enroll because we can see who you will become once you have gained a greater understanding of how to handle relationships from your alignment. We can't wait to begin this and share our joy of seeing you happier, fulfilled and flourished. Our aim is to raise consciousness and help you feel lighter and freerer as you move from judgement to love. There is so much in store that life wants to offer...we urge you to open your hearts to recieve and take the opportunity of investing your time and energy into this course, for the promise it entails in giving you life long returns is assured...looking forward to meeting you all soon. 

Course Details:
21st June to 27th June 2020
Timings: 6pm to 7pm on all days

Zoom Login id and password will be sent on 21st June


This is an online event
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Joined on Mar 30, 2017
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