Kubernetes And Docker: The Container Masterclass | Event in NA | Townscript
Kubernetes And Docker: The Container Masterclass | Event in NA | Townscript

Kubernetes And Docker: The Container Masterclass

May 14'20 - May 13'25 | 08:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Containers are like that smartchef who can feed a whole family with just a bowl full of rice, and that's not an exaggeration at all! Containers are empowering businesses to scale fearlessly and manage their web apps hassle-free. They are the prime reason why micro and small enterprises are migrating to Cloud. All of this has undoubtedly led to an enormous demand for professionals with Containerization skills.
Which skills do you need?
A platform to Create, Run and Ship Containers... like Docker.
A strong tool to Control/ Manage/ Orchestrate your containers... like Kubernetes!
This Course takes you on a wonderful journey of learning Containers using key components of Docker and Kubernetes. All you need is very basic knowledge of Linux fundamentals like files and processes along with a bit of Linux command line.
The Containerization Journey with Docker:
Calling Docker the most widely used containerization platform would be an understatement. It has literally become synonymous to containers! Following topics covered under this course will solidify the logical base of this statement.
You can only love technology if you know how it works, and that's exactly why you will be learning Docker architecture and how its Components work
At first glance, Dockerfile might seem like just another file describing app specifications. That's because it is probably the simplest yet effective way to perform app building from scratch
Docker CLI is intuitive and is inspired by your friendly Linux CLI. So adapting it is a piece of cake!
Docker images and Containers are the most portable and reliable way to ship your micro-service or web application without worrying about questions like "will it work on his infrastructure?"
Once you are fairly familiar with containers, Docker Networks and Volumes will open a whole new world of opportunities. Your containerization will become more reliable and will start serving its true purpose
Docker compose will combine all of the learning and take it to the next level with inter-dependent multi-container applications
Once you have learned all of this, you will be craving to know what else can you do with containers and how you can take your containerization skills to the next stage!
The Orchestration Journey with Swarm and Kubernetes:
"With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility"
Similarly, With Great amount of containers, comes a greater amount of orchestration!
You want to deploy 4 nodes on your cluster but can only afford to have one SSD node. And you gotta make sure that it only hosts containers which demand SSD explicitly. What to do?
You don't want to have idle containers chilling around your nodes and not serving even 10% of their capacity but you also want to make sure that your customers don't hit 404 when traffic is at its peak. On top of that, you don't have time or manpower to keep your number of web-server replicas in-check. What to do?
You are a pro on-premise kubernetes expert but your next project happens to be hosted on a public cloud platform like GCP or Azure. You're not scared but a little push will help you a lot! What to do?
This course is a one-stop answer for all of these questions. It covers both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm and makes sure that you are confident and capable to make your call when the time comes!
Even though a container orchestrator is nothing without containers themselves, kubernetes seems to be the biggest breakthrough in the world of DevOps. This course explains kubernetes from the start. No, I mean LITERALLY from the start (Origin! It is an interesting story). It covers all of these important topics with examples so that when you finish this course, you can use and appreciate containers as well as we do!
Kubernetes Architecture (Components, States, Nodes, Interactions)
Kubernetes Objects (Pods, Handlers, Workloads, Controllers, Services, Volumes)
Operations (Sorting, Configuration, Scheduling, Scaling, Deploying, Updating, Restricting)
Application Examples (All-time favorite nginx web server, Custom Landing Page, Stdout Logs, WordPress blog with MySQL, Apache zookeeper etc.)
Kubernetes as a service (GCP, Azure)
Case studies (Blackrock, Niantic)
With that said, see you in the course!
Happy Learning!
Basic knowledge
Basic knowledge of Linux Command line
No previous experience with Docker or Kubernetes is required
No previous experience with Google Cloud Platform or any other public Cloud provider is required
A Debit/Credit card with auto-payment compatibility will be required to create free Google Cloud Platform (for GKE) and Microsoft Azure (for AKS) accounts. Don't worry, you will not be charged

What will you learn
Learn the basics of Containers
Understand the difference between VMs and Containers
Learn Docker and its key components from scratch without any prior experience or knowledge
Write your own Dockerfiles and Docker Compose files
Master Docker CLI and different operations on containers
Containerize and deploy your favorite web applications like WordPress blogs and 2048 game!
Deploy, Scale and update your containers on Docker Swarm Cluster
Understand the difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes and choose your best option
Learn Kubernetes and its key components from scratch without any prior knowledge or experience
Create single node Kubernetes cluster on your local machine using Minikube and Bootstrap multi-node cluster on Cloud using Kubeadm
Understand and implement different workloads on Kubernetes
Deploy, Scale, Update, Schedule your containers and leverage advanced orchestration options of Kubernetes
Get big picture on how industries use Kubernetes with real world case studies like Blackrock and Niantic
Containerize and Deploy multi-tier applications like Apache Zookeeper
Understand difference between on-premise or self managed Kubernetes vs Kubernetes as a managed service on Cloud
Set-up and use Managed Kubernetes on Cloud with Google Kubernetes Engine and Azure Container Service
Manage your Docker and Kubernetes with native and third party GUI


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