How To Write A Book And Make It A Bestseller | Event in NA | Townscript
How To Write A Book And Make It A Bestseller | Event in NA | Townscript

How To Write A Book And Make It A Bestseller

Jan 08 - 10 '21 | 07:30 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai India's No. 1 Author of bestselling Chanakya series will share all the success secrets of becoming a succesful author.


To write a book is a good dream and desire to have. We all harbour different dreams: becoming a billionare, winning a olympic gold medal, or standing first in class during exam. All these are temporary dreams. But writing a book is something that stays permanent. Infact, for those who have achieved all their dreams, the final dream permanent, forever would be to write a book.

Would you not like to read a book of a person who became billionaire and shows you the way?

Successful people’s are followed by publishers to get their experiences in print. Be it the ex-president of India (Dr. Abdul Kalam) or the ex-president of America (Barack Obama) etc. So in this program, you will get a complete guide on how you can write a book and make it a bestseller.



Part A: How to Write a Book
Module 1: The Idea and Dream
Module 2: The Writing Plan and Starting to Write
Module 3: Common Mistakes and Why Authors Fail
Module 4: Writer’s Block and How To Overcome It
Module 5: Your Final Manuscript and the Publisher
Part B: How To Make The Book a Bestseller
Module 6: Reworking your manuscript
Module 7: Financials Involved and Publisher’s Contract
Module 8: Marketing, Sales, Book Launches, Social Media
Module 9: Turning Your Bestselling Author Dream into Reality
Module 10: Conclusion : Your Next Book

Authors & Aspiring to become Authors
Script Writers
Content Writer
Want to be Writers


If you are an author than in this program you will get to learn a different method, a very different dimension on how you can write a book in a very unique way.
If you are passionate to become an author but struggling in process than this program will guide you to make your journey easier with strategic ideas.
If you are already a writer and author but your book was not in the bestseller list so by attending this program you will get to know what are common mistakes every authors do and also what is missing in your journey
If you are an expert of your field and want to guide the world so this program will help you out with a road map through which you can share your wisdom to whole world
Learn the process from Master Storyteller Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai who had started his journey from writing for his School Magazine and now Best Selling
Author of India.

Date: 8th – 10th JANUARY
Time: 7:30 PM to 9 PM
Investment : RS 2999/- + GST

Contact Information : 9930973872 / 8356809828
(Note: we do not limit our audience to a certain age group)


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Milan purohit
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