How to pick the best breast pump for your needs - all you need to know | Event in Rockford, CA | Townscript
How to pick the best breast pump for your needs - all you need to know | Event in Rockford, CA | Townscript

How to pick the best breast pump for your needs - all you need to know

Apr 11'21 - May 08'24 | 02:00 PM (IT)

Event Information

For mothers who intend to breastfeed their baby, searching for the top-rated breast pumps is just as important as looking for the best car seats and baby wipes. Breast-feeding is crucial to a baby’s growth, as breast milk provides essential nutrients to protect the little ones against infections and diseases.

However, while being bombarded by a wide range of options, these moms usually ask themselves lots of questions: do I need the best electric breast pump, or should I go with the best manual breast pump? Is a double pump better than a lightweight pump? Are the hands-free options as useful as advertised?

If you also find yourself asking these types of questions, then this buying guide from The King Live is for you. It will help you make a well-informed purchase decision by answering all you need to know about breast pumps. TheKingLive is a trusted review site where customers can find lots of unbiased evaluations and buying guides for a wide range of products,

From baby care to home care and kitchen equipment, we have an experienced team dedicated to provide customers with only the most reliable reviews, so you’re ensured that our site will better equip you with useful information to make better purchase decisions.

Without further ado, let's get started!

1. How often will you use the pump?

Breast pumps are made for circumstances when you can’t be with your little one, you need to share the feedings with your partner, or your milk supply is limited. If you think you’ll be away from your baby once in a while, a simple hand pump would be all you need.

However, you plan on returning to work full time, an electric pump would be a better option. The best breast pumps are those that fit your using frequency the most.

If you cannot decide how often you will use the pump, wait until after the baby is born. You’ll then know better how you’re going to use it. Many insurance programs cover pumps and other accessories, so make sure to check your insurance policies. Some insurance providers only ship your breast pump after your baby is born, while others ship it over a few weeks before your expected delivery date.

2. Which type of breast pump is the most suitable for me?

There are three main types of breast pumps. Understanding what they are will help you make a better decision.

Manual Versus Electric Pump

Manual breast pumps are usually more affordable, handy and quieter than their electric counterparts, but they are only suitable for occasional pumping because you will need to keep pumping the handle to create the vacuum. Electric pumps are much more comfortable and convenient to use, as there is a built-in motor that does the job for you.

They’re best for mothers with multiple tasks or those who need to pump frequently or pump while they’re at work. The best electric breast pump reviews usually include details like how strong each machine's suction is, so pay attention to this specification before deciding on your model.

Single Versus Double Pump

A single pump is best for those express from time to time. If you need to pump regularly, a double pump is a better choice, as it expresses milk from both breasts simultaneously. A double pump delivers 18% more milk on average than a single pump, and the double pump's milk has a higher fat and calorie content.

So if you are looking for the best double electric breast pump, the Medela Pump in Style Advanced or the Spectra S1 Plus are two options that our users love for their design and users’ convenience.

Hospital-Grade Double Pumps

As the name suggests, these are used in hospitals, and they’re the most efficient and comfortable pumps. Since they’re made to initiate and maintain a stable milk supply, these pumps have smooth action, pumps 40 to 60 times per minute.

Just like the personal double pumps, the hospital-grade pumps have dual controls to set the speed and suction to your preference. Some modern models are also equipped with two-phase pumping technology.

3. Key Features To Consider

The best breast pump brand should be able to express milk from your breast, as this is what it does. How this is achieved would depend on how well its features are. While many manufacturers claim that they make the best-rated breast pumps with many fancy features, but fail to perform this essential function. Given this, it’s best to look for the below features when considering a pump:

Suction Settings

Suction pressure determines the efficiency of milk pumping, the production of milk and your comfort.

Pumps with suction levels of less than 150mm Hg are not very effective at expressing milk, while those with more than 220mm Hg may cause painful nipples. So look for those in between to have comfortable and efficient pumping sessions. It’s best to purchase pumps with adjustable suction levels, as they allow you to alter them to suit your needs.

The best breast pump comparison Thekinglive always mentions the number of suction levels of the pumps they compare. So pay close attention to this detail.

Open or Closed System

Pumps with an open system are those with the motor exposed to your milk, as there are no barriers between the motor and the collection kit. This kind of system can lead to the unintentional flowing of your milk into the motor, potentially causing the growth of mold, bacteria or viruses.

These uninvited guests will be eventually passed into your milk. No matter how careful or thorough you clean this type of pump after each use, there is no way to completely clean and disinfect it.

Carrying Case

Which breast pump is best for working moms if not the one that allows them to carry to work easily? I would recommend you pick those with a carry bag and a compartment to keep your milk in good condition. Many high-end models also come with ice packs to store your milk better while you are at work.

4. Consider the Included Accessories

The best breast pump reviews always specify the included accessories of each model. Given this, before buying, make sure you are aware of what is included in your pump as a package. Otherwise, you might need to spend extra for these items, and the price of these additional accessories can add to your bills quickly.

Electric pumps usually come with a charger, tube, storage bottles, bags, flanges of different sizes, breast shields, a carrying bag, and cleaning brushes. A manual device is much simpler, but it’s your choice to decide what is the best breast pump for you and your little one.

The Bottom Line

I hope this complete guide is helpful in providing you tips on how to choose the best breast pumps for your needs. Portable breast pumps are always the best choice for working moms or those who can’t be with their babies for more than a few hours a day. While a single pump best fits occasional pumping, a double pump is better for regular pumping.

Suction settings and closed systems are two key features that all moms need to consider. Those who often find themselves multi-tasking, a hands-free model like the Freemie Liberty Wearable, the Medela Freestyle Flex, or the Willow Generation 3 are some of the best options. They are wearable under your clothing, quick to set up and easy to use. 


Allen Sullivan
New York, Rockford, CA
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Allen Sullivan
Joined on Apr 10, 2021
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