Holistic Yoga | Event in NA | Townscript
Holistic Yoga | Event in NA | Townscript

Holistic Yoga

Aug 15 '20 | 07:30 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

 Yoga is Holistic Health
An absence of disease alone is not being healthy, but being strong in body, mind and soul having sufficient energy to fulfil your responsibilities and yet be able to pursue one’s passion so that we can give our best to ourselves, our families and society.
Bringing to you ‘an opportunity not to be missed’ is a session on “Holistic Health” on 15 August 2020, at 7:30 AM, online by Freerunners Yoga team, comprising experienced Yoga practitioners.

Why choose Yoga?
1. Yoga balances hormones, enzymes, mitochondria, adrenal activity and so leads to optimum health.
2. Yoga improves the elementary functions of skin and the Lymph system,
3. Yoga helps to improve breathing
4. Yoga promotes healthy ageing.
5. Yoga helps build the strength of the muscles and bones.

Freerunners Yoga Team
A band of 12 dedicated, trained YOGA teachers who are also runners with the Freerunners group
They are trained from diverse schools of Yoga, so each one shares a unique perspective through their teaching methodology, keeping intact the core tenets of Yoga.

Our weekly Saturday morning sessions help runners practicing yoga to improve their strength and flexibility after a grueling week of training.
 Since the last 2 years, practice of Yog Asanas has helped the runners to maintain, correct running form, bringing balance and agility to their muscles as they strengthened.
 Practice of Pranayama increased their lung capacity and thus sustained them on long runs. Meditation has helped them on an inward journey of calm and peace which runners admit has kept them focused, not only while running but in their daily routines.
These committed YOGA trainers tirelessly conducted free live sessions daily online and on Facebook for 3 months during the 'LOCKDOWN'. Now their expertise has expanded to include people from all walks of life through their online sessions.
Their goal is to make Yoga a way of life for everyone while the Holistic benefits bring about mental stability, physical fitness and self-awareness to all who practice with them.


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Freerunners Yoga
Joined on Jul 23, 2020
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