1 Day Growth Hacking Bootcamp: Scale Your Startup | Event in Delhi | Townscript
1 Day Growth Hacking Bootcamp: Scale Your Startup | Event in Delhi | Townscript

1 Day Growth Hacking Bootcamp: Scale Your Startup

Mar 31 '16 | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

Most startups don't fail because they didn't build a great product, it's because they didn't get enough traction. Growth of a product requires an experimental approach, driven by data and quantifying every step of the way. There are tools and multiple growth techniques that every startup should be aware of that can increase their probability of success while not burning too much money. These techniques have been applied by 1000's of startups & large enterprises all over the world and every entrepreneur should have access to these techniques.


  • Achieving Product Market Fit: How to measure and reach product market fit
  • Business Model: Chalk out your value proposition, revenue streams and costs
  • Objective Key Results (OKR's): How to set individual goals that tie into company's goals
  • Growth Metrics: Metrics to measure growth month over month
  • Growth Hacking + Lean Analytics: Introduction to growth framework and how to be data driven
  • Tracking Tools: Analytical tools to acquire, retain and measure user retention
  • Over 50+ Growth Examples: Techniques used at Rocket Internet, Lean Startup Machine to acquire users
  • Setting A Growth Culture: Learn to set a process of growth within your startup

10:00 AM

Introduction to Growth Hacking

What is growth hacking, product market fit and the how they differ from digital marketers

10:30 AM

Workshop 1: Customer Personas

Build customer personas, brainstorm where to find them, messaging for personas, product market fit

12:00 PM

Business Goals + OKR’s + Growth Metrics

12:15 PM

Lean Analytics

12:45 PM

Testing [A/B Testing, Split Testing, Multivariate Testing]

We will discuss terminologies like A/B testing, Split and multivariate testing, what should you test, examples of these tests and how to create a test

1:00 PM

Workshop 2: A/B Testing

Install tool, list out a set of A/B tests you want to run, prioritize and set up first three A/B test

2:30 PM


3:00 PM

Tools for Growth

Discuss over 20 tools to analyze user behavior and optimize product development

3:30 PM

Case Study 1: Skillfeed, Shutterstock’s Educational Product

How to take a product from $200,000 to $1,000,000 in ARR

5:00 PM

Growth Strategies

35 Growth strategies from Lean Startup Machine, Rocket Internet & other companies

5:45 PM


6:00 PM

Product Plan

Tools to implement, product market fit measurement, tests to run

6:30 PM


2 minute presentation on what are they going to implement


  • Entrepreneurs looking for ways to scale their business (Mobile Apps, B2C & B2B products)
  • Digital Consultants & Marketers who want to be data driven growth specialists aka growth hackers
  • Incubators & Accelerators who can improve their startup's performance
  • Angels & VC's who want to their entrepreneurs to be data driven.
  • Entrepreneurship professors who want to teach new methods and techniques to their students

  • Anirudh Narayan - 
    Growth Hacker @Shutterstock (IPO)
    Growth Manager @Javelin (Series A)
    Growth Manger @Lean Startup Machine
    Director of Ops @Krossover (Core Founding Team, Series B)
    School: Columbia University, M.S. Mathematical Modeling & Optimization





Libby Tucker

(Founder of Anypass. Co | Live Work Anywhere, Serial Entrepreneur)

“This workshop gives you a step by step approach to launching your idea and then scaling it using some simple but highly effective techniques. Whether you’re looking to launch a simple prototype or get traction for your product, this course covers it all. I would definitely recommend enrolling in it.”

Han Qiu

(Tech Lead, Shutterstock)

“This workshop provides tremendous knowledge about how to launch an idea, acquire users and retain them. The course is hands-on while keeping the big picture in mind.”  

Adriana Alban (Director of Inbound Marketing, Hiperestrategia Consultants)

“It’s a super practical workshop to launch and scale your idea. Many ideas, examples and tools to help build your business”

Alejandro Vara, (CEO at Domo Soluciones Web, Serial Entrepreneur)

“This workshop has been extremely beneficial to me and my team. Thanks to this course we have learned that data analysis should have a conclusive result and connected to all activities defined in a digital strategy. This learning will help us create more effective strategies for our company and our clients."

Sebastian Nankervis (Product Manager Cuestionarix, Ex Consultant @Ernst & Young)

Great content, specially for people involved in tech/online startups.

Fernando Riveria, CTO at ETF.com

“I really enjoyed the presentation. It was a concise way to learn more about Growth Hacking. I'm looking forward to implementing some of those ideas and techniques in my own work.”

Mauricio Bayas (CEO Bayteq)

Thanks for the time, and we appreciate a lot to be with you and get insights from your knowledge and experience.

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Fernando March (VC, Partner

CEO S&F Managers Ltd, Partner & board member at TurtleBay Capital

A great experience ;-)

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Juan Jose Sr (Member of Congress, Entrepreneur)

Anirudh, Thanks for the seminar it was a great learning experience.

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91 spring board, E-43/1, Okhla Phase II, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi,
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Anirudh Narayan
Joined on Feb 28, 2016
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