From 0 To 1: JavaFX & Swing For Awesome Java UIs | Event in NA | Townscript
From 0 To 1: JavaFX & Swing For Awesome Java UIs | Event in NA | Townscript

From 0 To 1: JavaFX & Swing For Awesome Java UIs

May 20'20 - May 19'25 | 02:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

JavaFX is a set of media packages and graphics that facilitate developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate persistently across a variety of platforms. Swing is a lightweight Graphical User Interface (GUI) widget toolkit by Java. It is an element of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that has several applications to develop rich desktop applications in Java. It includes built-in controls like image buttons, trees, sliders, tabbed panes, toolbars, tables, color choosers, and text areas to display Rich Format Text (RFT) or HTTP. Swing components are platform-independent and are written in Java. This course is packed with numerous examples and plenty of line of source code.
This online tutorial From 0 to 1: JavaFX and Swing for Awesome Java UIs covers the following topics and their required Programming Drills.
JavaFX: CSS and JavaScript support, SceneBuilder and FXML, how FXML and Dependency Injection work, zippy syncing with Bindings and Properties, 2D and 3D animations, building a real Media Player and Media support, Image handling and animated GIF construction and all the basic elements like trees, menus, and browser controls and much more. You will learn to design, create, test, debug, and deploy applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms.
Swing: The basic frameworks, JFrames, Jpanels, and JComponents, Menus and how to handle them, Trees and their nuances, file choosers, browser controls, buttons. With Swing, you will be able to create a more sophisticated set of GUI compo.
Design: The MVC Paradigm, Observer and Command Design Patterns, Dependency Injection via FXML. Design Patterns. This module will will teach you how Design patterns are used and where it's applied in the real world.
Basic knowledge
To subscribe to this course, you will require knowledge of a Programming 101 Class, in Java preferably
If you do not possess the required knowledge, you can subscribe to our course on A Complete Tutorial on Java Programming

What will you learn
Over 47 lectures of content!
Build sophisticated user interfaces in Java, both in JavaFX and in Swing
Use menus, trees, buttons, tables and all the important standard UI-building techniques - both in JavaFX and in Swing
Use Scenebuilder and FXML to effortlessly create UIs using dependency injection
Blur the lines between web and app development by using JavaScript and CSS
Build business apps with charts and tables that rival spreadsheets like MS-Excel
Leverage the power of Properties and Bindings to get the little details right
Build 3D animations in JavaFX
Use JavaFX Media support - build an entire, fully functional media player, and also know the limits of Java media capabilities
Understand the MVC paradigm and the observer and command patterns that underpin virtually all modern UI frameworks


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