Enrich Yourself | Event in Hyderabad | Townscript
Enrich Yourself | Event in Hyderabad | Townscript

Enrich Yourself

Daily | 09:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

As a child, in a classroom all I really spent my time was is in thinking - "Can it be any different from this?" "Does it have to be so boring, hard and tiresome to learn?". "Why can we not accomplish anything while having a good time?
As an adult in a classroom, all I could think of was - "what's wrong with these children?" "Some are more quiet than needed and some are so restless" "The light in their eyes and words and hearts does not have to die but I don't know what's missing?"
As an educator, having worked with myself, teachers, children, schools, ayahs, organisations and innovators. I struggled a lot. I was disheartened and disgusted, sometimes destroyed by how this system worked. There have been many millions of mind that have felt this ache. Those that wish desperately to make a difference, eventually do. So many have contributed in such beautiful ways to this end. I have been studying, working and hanging out with myself for a long time. At last after 20 years I am pleased to come up with something interesting. The toolkit we are willing to share in this summer program is simple. The ideas are functional and user friendly. The concepts are relevant and not just to the classroom but also your life.
The education system is expected to fulfill two basic demands. Improved behaviour and increased performance. It is both possible and pleasurable to do this without prizes and punishments. We would like to spend time with the group of 12 to 24 teachers and share how what and why this works according to us. Since this is a fire starter session for us, we are charging normally for the entire program. It is designed to invite conversations, radical ideas and transformative practices. A lot can change during the holidays. Return to your classroom better equipped and refreshed from within. Make a difference in the coming academic year.
As a teacher, person, trainer you will be accessing your emotional intelligence, broaden your mental horizons and expand the scope of your influence on your listeners. You will understand a bit more of you, them and the world. Our hope is for this to give you more love, light, laughter and lovely learning experiences.
I look forward to an intense insightful and ideal insane group of teachers that are willing to take on this discovery program. It's designed to be refresher and reset your dials so you can ring clear and true to yourself. It's an enquiry that is long due and lovingly longed for. Its time we cross the bridge. Someone has to start going the other way.
Dates : 6th to 30th May
Days : Mon to Thu
Timings : 9 to 12 / 4 to 6 pm
Venue : Vision Rainbow, Red hills
Last date for registrations : 27th April 2019


Vision Rainbow
Hari Nagar, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad, India
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Vision Rainbow
Joined on Nov 4, 2018
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