Disciplined agile coach? A valuable role in organizational change | Event in NA | Townscript
Disciplined agile coach? A valuable role in organizational change | Event in NA | Townscript

Disciplined agile coach? A valuable role in organizational change

Jun 14 '23 | 08:00 PM (IST)

Event Information

Organizations continuously seek methods to adapt and succeed in today's quickly changing business world. A Disciplined Agile Coach is a valuable asset in driving organizational transformation and developing agility.

Join us for a thought-provoking Event titled "Driving Agile Excellence: The Disciplined Agile Coach as Catalyst for Organisational Change," where we will look at the significant contributions of disciplined agile coaching in changing organizations.

This session will give you a thorough grasp of the disciplined agile approach and how it differs from standard agile methodologies. Our professional speakers will share their insights and experiences as disciplined agile coaches in supporting organizational transformation, establishing high-performing teams, and driving business success.

Key topics to be covered:

  1. Introduction to Disciplined Agile: Learn about the principles, values, and practices that define the disciplined agile approach and its applicability across various industries.
  2. The Role of a Disciplined Agile Coach: Discover the unique responsibilities and skills required of a disciplined agile coach in guiding organizations through the transformation journey.
  3. Fostering Organizational Change: Explore strategies and techniques employed by disciplined agile coaches to drive effective change management, overcome resistance, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.
  4. Building High-Performing Teams: Understand how disciplined agile coaches enable teams to enhance collaboration, embrace self-organization, and deliver value consistently.
  5. Measuring Success: Learn about the metrics and indicators used to assess the impact of disciplined agile coaching on organizational performance and business outcomes and many more topice

Whether you are an agile coach, a transformation leader, or a change agent, this event will provide valuable insights and practical takeaways to elevate your effectiveness in driving organizational change through disciplined agile coaching.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with industry experts, network with like-minded professionals, and gain the knowledge and inspiration to become a catalyst for agile excellence within your organization. Register now for "Driving Agile Excellence: The Disciplined Agile Coach as Catalyst for Organizational Change"!


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Akshay Gupta
Joined on Feb 14, 2022
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