Disadvantages of Excessive Use of Cough Syrup
While cough syrup may be helpful when you have a cold, there are some dangers associated with its overuse. These dangers include dizziness, hallucinations, and loss of motor control. In addition, some of the prescription-strength cough syrups can be addictive. Read on WoW Health blog to learn about these risks and more. Using cough syrup excessively can also lead to toxic psychosis.
Cough syrup contains a drug that alters your perception and can cause hallucinations, and the most common type is dextromethorphan, which is found in NyQuil, Robitussin, and Coricidin. The drug also causes dizziness, out of body experiences, and temporary psychosis when taken in excess. It also contains pseudoephedrine, a chemical found in cold remedies. Pseudoephedrine is similar to methamphetamine and can cause hallucinations. People who misuse cough syrup may experience hallucinations because of the depressing effects of the drug.
Hallucinations may be accompanied by other symptoms, and they are not a cause for alarm. Hallucinations can be a symptom of a broader illness, such as a chest infection. The best way to determine if hallucinations are caused by cough syrup is to visit a doctor or psychiatrist. Alternatively, you can use a local emergency number to report the symptoms.
If you've been using cough syrup excessively, you might be experiencing dizziness. This is quite common, and it's important to recognize the symptoms. If you feel lightheaded and have trouble standing up, see your doctor. Lightheadedness and dizziness are caused by dehydration and lack of blood in the brain. While they're not life threatening, they can be a sign of a serious illness.
If dizziness doesn't go away in a week or two, see your doctor for a thorough checkup. You may have a more serious issue, and you should seek medical attention. If you're using cough syrup too often or if it persists, you should seek medical attention. There are many possible causes of dizziness, and a doctor will be able to rule out a few before recommending a course of treatment.
Toxic psychosis
Overuse of cough syrup may cause toxic psychosis, a condition wherein an individual loses touch with reality. Because of this, many states now impose age limits for buying cough syrup to prevent young people from becoming addicted to the medication. If you've ingested cough syrup more than four times in a month, you should consider visiting a doctor to avoid developing this condition.
The long-term effects of DXM may include fatigue, insomnia, and dysphoria. In severe cases, DXM abuse may lead to toxic psychosis. This state is characterized by a lack of contact with reality, confusion, and distorted perceptions. For this reason, many people who become addicted to DXM may experience withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, Cough syrup abuse is an increasingly common problem among teens, with 19 states having already passed legislation requiring teenagers to be 18 years old to purchase the product.