DebUtsav Goa 2019 is an awesome opportunity for any user who wants to experience the magic of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Here you can meet the veterans in FOSS development, develop professional connections which will help you in future, chat with contributors who can guide you, advance the cause of Debian and most importantly, grasp the essence of FOSS development. It is indeed a ‘never miss’ opportunity that will give you a strong foundation to build on!
The conference will be composed of 2 tracks:
1) A general FOSS track for talks and workshops about general Free and Open Source Software projects.
2) A Debian track consisting of talks and workshops by Debian contributors and developers about the different technologies involved in the Debian project as well as their importance.
The two tracks occur in parallel. If you are attending one of the tracks you will not be able to attend the other one.
The full schedule for the event can be found at