2-weeks online Training: Deep Learning, CV on Images & Video Analysis | Event in NA | Townscript
2-weeks online Training: Deep Learning, CV on Images & Video Analysis | Event in NA | Townscript

2-weeks online Training: Deep Learning, CV on Images & Video Analysis

May 08 - 19 '23 | 06:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

2-weeks Live Online Instructor-led Training on

Applied Deep Learning, Computer Vision for Images & Video Analysis 

Dates:  8th May - 19th May 2023

Training Timing: 6:PM to 9:PM IST 

Duration: 30-Hrs | 2-weeks

2-weeks Training Outlines

  1. Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
  2. Module 2: Python Fundamentals [CORE]
  3. Module 3: Data Analysis – Visualization Using Python
  4. Module 4: Working with Images and Video
  5. Module 5: Face Detection Using HAARCASCADE
  6. Module 6: KNN (K- Nearest Neighbours)
  7. Module 7: Logistic Regression
  8. Module 8: Module FACE RECOGNISATION using OpenCV
  9. Module 9: Artificial Neural Networks
  10. Module 10: Artificial Neural Network Classification
  11. Module 11: TensorFlow
  12. Module 12: CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks)

2-weeks Training Projects :

  1. Project 1: Face, Eye, Smile Detection using OpenCV
  2. Project 1: Face Recognition using OpenCV & K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm Classification
  3. Project 2: Facial Expression / Emotion Detection using Deep Learning (CNN)
  4. Project 3: Face Mask Detection and Classification using Deep Learning CNN and OpenCV for real-time recognition.
  5. Project 4: Object Detection using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
  6. Project 5: Traffic Sign Image Classification for Self-Driving Car
  7. Project 6: Social Distancing Detector using Computer Vision and Deep Learning API Keras
  8. Project 7: Brain MRI Medical Image Segmentation using U-Net
  9. Project 8: Human pose estimation using Deep Learning in OpenCV

Training includes:
  1. 2-weeks online Training with Projects.
  2. Training Includes: Training PPT's Projects code & Training Recording
  3. certificate of completion to each participant by Eduxlabs in association with Mechanica IIT Madras.

Who can attend?
2-weeks Training is best suitable for Engineering college faculty, Research scholar, students & Working IT professionals.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Python programming 

Please feel free to contact us
 Team EduxLabs
 (Esoir Business Solution )
 M: +91- 7053133032 | 8851533667


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Joined on Sep 16, 2019
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Eduxlabs (Esoir Business Solution LLP) is devoted to conveying extraordinary training and certifications Program. we give intelligent, modified instructional classes to educational institutes and Corporate sector, across the globe. http://eduxlabs.com/
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