Awaaz Studio Open Mic: Delhi | Event in New Delhi | Townscript
Awaaz Studio Open Mic: Delhi | Event in New Delhi | Townscript

Awaaz Studio Open Mic: Delhi

Jul 28 '19 | 06:00 PM (IST)

Event Information

Awaaz Studio is a Jaipur-Delhi based art furtherance house on a mission to promote and celebrate local art. We believe that flairs and talents from all walks of life can be fostered and nurtured; and we do so by conducting workshops, events and training sessions across the country. Having worked with more than 300 independent artists, we are driven by the belief that -- 'Art has value, art deserves value, art creates value'
Open Mic by Awaaz Studio is a safe space for performers to try out new material, watch fellow performers, and share their art with an acceptive audience.
The stage is open to all performance art forms, a microphone with a stand and basic sound system will be provided.

Date: July 28, 2019
Time: 6 PM Onwards
Venue: CoHo Kamla Nagar, E-157, Kamla Nagar, New Delhi

Submission Link:

Guidelines for participants:
1. Slots will be given to the first 20 entries. Solo performances only.
2. All languages are welcome.
3. Time durations are as follows:
Poetry: 3 mins, Storytelling, and Music: 6 mins
4: Performers do not have to buy a ticket. 

Guidelines for Audience:
1: Tickets are non-refundable. 
2: Tickets are for non-performers only.  


CoHo Kamla Nagar
E-157, Kamla Nagar, New Delhi
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Awaaz Studio
Joined on Jan 4, 2018
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