Austria Largest Recruiting and Branding Virtual Jobs Fair | Event in NA | Townscript
Austria Largest Recruiting and Branding Virtual Jobs Fair | Event in NA | Townscript

Austria Largest Recruiting and Branding Virtual Jobs Fair

May 06 '21 | 01:00 PM (CEST)
Online Event

Event Information

Virtual TJF for Tech & Digital Professionals
Access to a large number of candidates: Recruiting organisations and potential employees can enroll online and access the TJF from any Electronic device using internet access. Regardless of location around the globe, the absence of movement and time limits.
Meet candidates with diverse backgrounds and skills in a one-stop environment. Meet candidates virtually and establish a connection right away to do a clear and better assessment of their profiles.
Increase brand awareness: We will reach a wider scope of audience to raise your brand awareness. We have a strong social media network and your brand will continue to promote among 200k+ followers. Increase brand awareness and remember - stay ahead of the game, if you will not be there, your competitors will be!
Build your network: TJF India is the right opportunity to grow your network and build long term relationships with companies. Networking with different corporations - learn about what is going on in the market and interact with a broad selection of companies.
Connect and interact with recruiters virtually: Meeting and interacting with recruiters virtually - better than sending a regular email application with resume and motivation letter attached. Unique opportunity to make personal and impactful connections - show your real value as a motivated applicant and make a great first impression.
Opportunity for Onsite & Remote jobs: TJF may be particularly attractive to you if you work in technology, a digital field or are interested in remote job opportunities. An employer that is willing to recruit via an online career fair is probably more digitally sophisticated and open to flexible jobs or has open positions where technology skills are prized.


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