2 Days Hands-On Masterclass AI for Drug Discovery | Event in Kolkata | Townscript
2 Days Hands-On Masterclass AI for Drug Discovery | Event in Kolkata | Townscript

2 Days Hands-On Masterclass AI for Drug Discovery

Jul 19 - 20 | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information


In the quest to develop novel therapeutics, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool, revolutionizing the landscape of drug discovery. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, deep learning models, and data-driven approaches, AI for drug discovery accelerates the identification of potential drug candidates, predicts their pharmacological properties, and streamlines the drug development process.

AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of biological and chemical data, including genomic sequences, protein structures, and compound libraries, to identify promising drug targets and lead compounds with desired properties. By uncovering hidden patterns and relationships within complex datasets, AI enables researchers to prioritize candidates for further experimental validation, reducing time and resources required for traditional screening methods.

Furthermore, AI-driven drug discovery facilitates the design of more precise and personalized therapeutics tailored to individual patient profiles. By integrating genomic data, clinical information, and drug-response data, AI algorithms can predict patient outcomes, optimize treatment regimens, and accelerate the transition towards precision medicine.


  1. Target Identification and ValidationAI algorithms analyze biological data to identify potential drug targets, such as proteins, genes, or signaling pathways, associated with specific diseases. By integrating diverse datasets, including genomic, proteomic, and clinical data, AI facilitates the prioritization and validation of drug targets, accelerating the discovery process.
  2. Compound Screening and DesignAI-based virtual screening methods predict the binding affinity of small molecules to target proteins, enabling the identification of lead compounds with therapeutic potential. Additionally, generative AI models generate novel chemical structures with desired pharmacological properties, expanding the chemical space and facilitating the design of innovative drug candidates.
  3. ADME-Tox PredictionAI algorithms predict the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADME-Tox) properties of drug candidates, aiding in the selection of compounds with favorable pharmacokinetic and safety profiles. By analyzing chemical structures and biological data, AI enables early identification of potential drug candidates with reduced risk of adverse effects.
  4. Drug RepurposingAI-driven approaches leverage large-scale omics data and knowledge graphs to identify new therapeutic indications for existing drugs. By analyzing similarities between diseases, biological pathways, and drug mechanisms of action, AI algorithms uncover opportunities for drug repurposing, accelerating the development of treatments for unmet medical needs.
  5. Clinical Trial OptimizationAI algorithms analyze clinical and real-world data to optimize clinical trial design, patient stratification, and treatment selection. By predicting patient responses, identifying biomarkers, and optimizing trial protocols, AI enhances the efficiency and success rates of clinical trials, expediting the translation of promising drug candidates into clinical practice.


  1. Target-Based ScreeningTarget-based screening involves using AI algorithms to predict the binding affinity of small molecules to specific drug targets, such as proteins or enzymes implicated in disease pathways.
  2. Pharmacophore Modeling: Pharmacophore modeling involves the identification of key structural features (pharmacophores) required for ligand binding and activity at a target site.
  3. Structure-Based Drug Design: Structure-based drug design entails leveraging structural information of target proteins, obtained through techniques such as X-ray crystallography or homology modeling, to design compounds that interact with specific binding sites.





  • Introductory Documentation: An introductory theory document to help you better understand the subject will also be provided.
  • Trainers Slide Deck: After the completion of the session complete access to the trainers slide deck will also be provided
  • Access to Trainers Repo: We will also be providing a complete access to trainers repository so that you can use it as reference later
  • 8+ Hours of Live Training: During the course of 3 days we will be have live8+ hourse of training sessions with the participants.
  • Guided Hands-On Exercises: Hands-On exercises are a must to better learn any technology and be able to reproduce it later.
  • Participation Certificate: A Participations certificate is a must after successfully completing the training as a sign of accomplishment.


  1. Accelerated Drug Discovery Process: AI for drug discovery is expected to significantly accelerate the drug discovery process by automating and streamlining various stages, including target identification, compound screening, and optimization. By leveraging AI algorithms, researchers can rapidly analyze vast amounts of data, prioritize promising drug candidates, and expedite the transition from target validation to preclinical and clinical development.
  2. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings: The integration of AI into drug discovery pipelines is anticipated to improve efficiency and reduce costs associated with experimental screening and lead optimization. By leveraging predictive models and virtual screening techniques, AI enables researchers to focus resources on the most promising candidates, reducing the need for labor-intensive and resource-intensive experimental assays.
  3. Discovery of Novel Drug Targets and Mechanisms: AI-driven approaches have the potential to uncover novel drug targets and therapeutic mechanisms by analyzing complex biological data and identifying previously unrecognized relationships and patterns. By integrating multi-omics data, genetic associations, and pathway analysis, AI algorithms can reveal new insights into disease biology and therapeutic interventions, leading to the discovery of innovative treatments for unmet medical needs.
  4. Development of Personalized Therapies: AI for drug discovery holds promise for the development of personalized therapies tailored to individual patient profiles and disease characteristics. By analyzing patient data, including genomic, proteomic, and clinical information, AI algorithms can predict drug responses, identify biomarkers, and optimize treatment regimens, enabling precision medicine approaches that maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects.


  1. All fee paid is not refundable so please read all the terms & conditions before making any payments. If you still have any doubts please contact us and confirm and then only make the payment.
  2. Participants need to bring their registration tickets along with a valid Institutional ID, then only they will be allowed to attend the session. Please reach out to our team in case of any exceptions.
  3. Please fill all your details in the form correctly as those details will be used in your certificate as well.
  4. Participants need to bring their own computer (laptop) system for the program.
  5. The software tools and other required software tools will be provided from our side for the purpose of this program.
  6. Participants need to reach the venue and report 30 minutes prior to the start of the sessions.
  7. Participants need to wear masks all the time inside the premises and abide by the other rules at the premises.
  8. Participants need to attend all the sessions in order to be eligible for getting the certificate.
  9. Welcome email will be sent to all the participants with all the details related to the program. Please check your Inbox/Spam folder for the email.
  10. All the details of the software installations and how to prepare your system for the Program will be shared with all the participants in the Welcome Email itself.


Kolkata, India (Exact venue to be decided)
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EdGene BioMed (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Joined on Jun 3, 2019
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