Dear All
On behalf of the 'Indian Chapter of IMMA' it is our sincere pleasure to invite you to the 8th International META-Health Conference to be held at Suba International Hotel Mumbai, India from February 16 (Thursday) to February 19 (Sunday) 2017.
META-HEALTH is an integrated approach to health that brings conventional and complementary approaches together in a unique and coordinated way, based on the biological-psychological-social aspects of the auto regulated system of the human body-mind field.
Conference Theme: Transforming mindset for self-healing
The interactive conference includes an inspiring action packed program of presentations, panel discussions, personal & professional stories and educational activities. The proceedings of the conference will be in English and a translator for Hindi would be available.
The Conference is a unique opportunity for everyone interested in integrative health. Inspiring speakers from India and across the world will be presenting their papers with latest developments, awareness and skills in health consciousness.Delegates interested to share their own experiences in the forum would be welcome.
Key note lecture: META-Health and Homeopathy: The Future of Healthcare!
META Health Differential Diagnosis
Kidneys, Diabetes, Cardio - Vascular System, Lungs, Eyes, Sexual Organs, Muscular-Skeletal-System, Gastro-Intestinal-Tract, Skin, Mental - Disorders, Thyroid Glands
META-Health and Microbes
META-Health Latest Developments
Innovations and Research in META-Health
Gradido, Natural Economy and Health And more...
Post Conference Courses February 20th (Monday) to February 23rd (Saturday) 2017
Reading the CT of the brain (1 day): Dr Anton Bader
META-Kinetics (1 day): Robert Waghmare
META-PEAT (1 day): Astrid Paulini § Astro-Medicine (1 day): Dr Kwesi
Meditation for Health Transformation (1day): Stefan Strecker
Speakers : Anu Mehta, Dr Rashmi Nagpal Arora; Dr. Rahee Joshi; Dr Anton Bader; Dr Kwesi; Dr Madhavi Katpal; Robert Waghmare; Dr Ahmed Eldemellawy; Johannes Fisslinger; Kora Klapp; Dr Miho Nonami; Kavita Freedom; Doreen Soans, Leena Lal and others.
Eligibility : The Conference is open to everyone interested in body-mind health including professionals and individuals seeking personal development on healing journey.
Energy Exchange: Conference fee and full board[Breakfast,Lunch ,Two Teas] is US $ 760. We have special discount for Indian delegates.
Post conference courses - Rob van Overbruggen PHD will conduct 2 day workshop called 'The healing psyche 'which is about creating awareness around cancer
For the first time ever presented here at the conference in Mumbai 2017. Rob van Overbruggen Ph.D. will share his insights about what you can do to influence your cancer, or the cancer of your loved ones.
First time ever
This groundbreaking training and experience is based on his bestseller “Healing Psyche” which has sold many many copies and is being used in the top clinics in the world.
During this 2 day training you will learn exact strategies and a step by step plan on how to work with yourself and your loved ones to re-activate your self healing abilities. The information, tools, technologies that will be shared in this exclusive seminar are not shared before and can be applied to any serious illness.
Unlock YOUR healing ability
In his work Rob discovered the main pattern of people that healed themselves from cancer. Applying these patterns will revolutionize your take on health or as Christiane Nortrup said about Rob’s work “This book might save your life”
This interactive seminar will be limited to only a few very committed people. Depending on the early bookings and what kind of room we can get, this seminar might be sold out before you know.