19.47 Run | Event in Gurugram | Townscript
19.47 Run | Event in Gurugram | Townscript

19.47 Run

Aug 11 '19 | 05:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

About The 1947 Partition Archive:

The 1947 Partition Archive provides a platform for our fellow citizens to document, preserve and share eye witness accounts from all ethnic, religious and economic communities affected by the Partition of British India in 1947. 

About the 19.47 Run: 

This is the 1st edition of 19.47 Run to benefit and support The 1947 Partition Archive. A unique run which brings generations together. While younger generations relate to Independence Day, the older generation relates more to 1947, the year we got freedom. The run categories too have a mix of both. This event is for everyone, competitive runners, casual walkers, families, friends, and everyday joggers.  

Our Cause: 

#ChasingMemories is The 1947 Partition Archive's campaign to support our 10,000 Stories Challenge. Our goal is to preserve at least 10,000 memories of Partition witnesses. We are 80% of the way there and need your support today in reaching 2000 more individuals. Given that Partition happened more than 70 years ago, there's hardly any time left today to document these memories. In fact we've lost most of those who remember. Those who were young adults at that time are in their 90's today, and those who were mature adults are well over 100. They are leaving us fast and it is up to us, and no one else to ensure their lifetime of memories are not lost to time. So join us today! Event participants are encouraged to create a Letzchange #ChasingMemories campaign page, and support this run and the goal of 10,000 stories in a bigger way: https://letzchange.org/nonprofits/the-1947-partition-archive/supporters-list


Day & Date: Sunday, 11 August 2019

Venue: Near Ireo Grand Arch Sec 58 Gurgaon

Race Categories:

► 19.47 Km Run (6:00am start, 18yrs & above)- Rs 1600/-

► 10 Km Run (6:15am start, 14yrs & above)- Rs 1600/-

► 5 Km Run (6:30am start, 10yrs & above)- Rs 1200/-

► 1947 meters Walkathon (6:15am start, non-timed, 6yrs & above)- Rs 500/-

Registrations close on 5th August or as soon as the targeted slots are filled.

Registrations & Participants’ Takeaways:

► All the participants will be informed in due course about running kit collection details.

► The runner kit will include t-shirt, goody bag, running bib number and race day information.

► Every finisher will earn a medal on completion of their race. The timing/ participation certificate will be available online.

► A sumptuous breakfast in the end

Prizes & Gifts for Winners:

► To be announced soon

Waiver Statement:

I affirm and state that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participating in the designated race. I have been certified to be physically fit by licensed medical practitioner and agree to indemnify the organizers its agents, employees and associates, the organizing committee and other persons connected to the event against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, claims or proceedings arising out of any misstatement and/ or misrepresentation made herein.

Route Map: coming soon

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1025047607697234/ 


Near Ireo Grand Arch, Sec 58 Gurgaon

Location Pin- https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/28%C2%B024'54.5%22N+77%C2%B007'04.8%22E/@28.415151,77.1158103,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x91d67d4b53e8a96b!2sThe+Grand+Arch!8m2!3d28.4129269!4d77.1123829!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d28.4151513!4d77.1179988

For event related queries, write to support@coachravinder.com


Near Ireo Grand Arch
Sec 58, Gurugram, India
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